
Table of contents:

Lazy evaluation

Until a config option is accessed it is not evaluated - it is lazy. To avoid side effects on imports accessing configuration should be avoided on a module level.

This concept allows you to choose when you actually evaluate the config. Why?

  • Testing. If you need to test a small piece of code that doesn’t require any configuration - you don’t have to setup it;
  • Faster application startup; Use only what you need at the moment

It is still possible to evaluate the config eagerly on the app startup - access the needed variables in the entry points. It could be done either with direct accessing needed variables or with config.require(...) / config.asdict() calls.


from konfetti import env

VARIABLE = env("VARIABLE_NAME", default="foo")

Since environment variables are strings, there is a cast option to convert given variable from a string to the desired type:

from konfetti import env

VARIABLE = env("VARIABLE_NAME", default=42, cast=int)

You can pass any callable as cast. list, tuple, set and frozenset will recognize comma separated values:

LIST = env("LIST", cast=list)
# 1,2,3
In [1]: config.LIST
["1", "2", "3"]

Those container types accept also subcast that will be applied to each element of the container:

LIST = env("LIST", cast=list, subcast=int)
# 1,2,3
In [1]: config.LIST
[1, 2, 3]

If there is a need to use the environment variable immediately, it could be evaluated via str call (other ways could be added on demand):

from konfetti import env, vault

DATABASE_ROLE = env("DATABASE_ROLE", default="booking")


If cast is specified, then it will be applied before evaluation as well.

.env support

It is possible to specify a path to the .env file and it will be used as a source of data for environment variables.

dotenv_override parameter specifies whether the .env value should be used if both the environment variable and the .env record exists, False by default.

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import Konfig

config = Konfig(dotenv="path/to/.env", dotenv_override=False)


Backend configuration

To use Vault as a secrets storage you need to configure the access point:

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import Konfig, AsyncVaultBackend

config = Konfig(vault_backend=AsyncVaultBackend("your/prefix"))

There are two Vault backends available:

  • konfetti.VaultBackend
  • konfetti.AsyncVaultBackend

The main difference is that the latter requires using await to access the secret value (the call will be handled asynchronously under the hood), otherwise the interfaces and capabilities are the same.

Each backend requires a prefix to be specified, the trailing / leading slashes don’t matter, "your/prefix" will work the same as "/your/prefix/".

There are two ways to provide access credentials:

  • via VAULT_TOKEN environment variable for token-based auth method
  • via VAULT_USERNAME and VAULT_PASSWORD environment variables for userpass auth method

If both are provided, token will be tried first and userpass credentials next in case of expired token.

Access credentials must be specified as a part of configuration.

# app_name/settings/


Every Vault secret needs a path to be used as a lookup (leading and trailing slashes don’t matter as well):

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import vault

WHOLE_SECRET = vault("path/to")

In this case all key/value pairs will be loaded on evaluation:

In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.WHOLE_SECRET
{'key': 'value', 'foo': 'bar'}

You can specify a specific key to be returned for a config option with [] syntax:

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import vault

KEY = vault("path/to")["key"]
In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.KEY

Using square brackets will not trigger evaluation - you could specify as many levels as you want:

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import vault

DEEP = vault("path/to")["deeply"]["nested"]["key"]

Casting could be specified as well:

# app_name/settings/
from decimal import Decimal
from konfetti import vault

DECIMAL = vault("path/to", cast=Decimal)["fee_amount"]  # stored as string
In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.DECIMAL

Sometimes you need to access to some secrets dynamically. Konfig provides a way to do it:

In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.get_secret("path/to")["key"]

Secret files

It is possible to get a file-like interface for vault secret.

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import vault_file

KEY = vault_file("path/to/file")["key"]
In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: (await config.KEY).readlines()


It is possible to specify the default value for vault variable. Value could be any type for a key in a secret and a dict for the whole secret.

DEFAULT = vault("path/to", default="default")["DEFAULT"]
DEFAULT_SECRET = vault("path/to", default={"DEFAULT_SECRET": "default_secret"})

In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.DEFAULT
In [3]: await config.DEFAULT_SECRET
{"DEFAULT_SECRET": "default_secret"}

Defaults could be disabled entirely if VAULT_DISABLE_DEFAULTS is set


Overriding Vault secrets

In some cases, secrets need to be overridden in runtime on the application level. You can define some custom values for tests or you just want to run the app with some different configuration without changing data in Vault.

There is a way to do it using environment variables or .env records To redefine certain config option you need to redefine the whole secret with a JSON encoded string.


# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import vault

KEY = vault("path/to")["key"]
In [1]: from app_name.settings import config
In [2]: await config.KEY
In [3]: import os
In [4]: os.environ["PATH__TO"] = '{"key": "overridden"}'
In [5]: await config.KEY

To check how to override certain option there is a config.vault.get_override_examples() helper:

In [1]: config.vault.get_override_examples()
        "PATH__TO__NESTED": '{"NESTED_SECRET": {"nested": "example_value"}}'
    "SECRET": {
        "PATH__TO": '{"SECRET": "example_value"}'
        "PATH__TO": "{}"

By default, when the evaluation will happen on a Vault secret, the environment will be checked first. If you don’t need this behavior, it could be turned off with try_env_first=False option to the chosen backend:

# app_name/settings/
from konfetti import Konfig, AsyncVaultBackend

config = Konfig(vault_backend=AsyncVaultBackend("your/prefix", try_env_first=False))

Disabling access to secrets

If you want to forbid any access to Vault (e.g. in your tests) you can set KONFETTI_DISABLE_SECRETS environment variable with 1 / on / true / yes.

In [1]: import os
In [2]: from app_name.settings import config
In [3]: os.environ["KONFETTI_DISABLE_SECRETS"] = "1"
In [4]: (await config.get_secret("path/to"))["key"]
RuntimeError: Access to secrets is disabled. Unset KONFETTI_DISABLE_SECRETS variable to enable it.


Vault values could be cached in memory:

config = Konfig(vault_backend=AsyncVaultBackend("your/prefix", cache_ttl=60))

By default, caching is disabled.


Vault calls would be retried in case of network issues, by default it is 3 attempts or up to 15 seconds.

This behavior could be changed via vault backend options

config = Konfig(vault_backend=AsyncVaultBackend("your/prefix", max_retries=3, max_retry_time=15))

Also it is possible to pass retrying object with custom behavior, e.g. tenacity.Retrying or tenacity.AsyncRetrying:

Lazy options

If there is a need to calculate config options dynamically (e.g., if it depends on values of other options) konfetti provides lazy:

from konfetti import lazy

LAZY_LAMBDA = lazy(lambda config: config.KEY + "/" + config.SECRET + "/" + config.REQUIRED)

def lazy_property(config):
    return config.KEY + "/" + config.SECRET + "/" + config.REQUIRED


It is usually a good idea to use a slightly different configuration for tests (disabled tracing, sentry, etc.).

export KONFETTI_SETTINGS=app_name.settings.tests

It is very useful to override some config options in tests. Konfig.override will override config options defined in the settings module. It works as a context manager or a decorator to provide explicit setup & clean up for overridden options.

from app_name.settings import config

# DEBUG will be `True` for `test_everything`
def test_everything():
    # DEBUG will be `False` again for this block
    with config.override(DEBUG=False):

Overrides could be nested, and deeper level has precedence over all levels above:

from app_name.settings import config

@config.override(FOO=1, BAR=2)
def test_many_things():
    with config.override(BAR=3):
        assert config.FOO == 1
        assert config.BAR == 3
    # As it was before
    assert config.BAR == 2

Also, override works for classes (including inherited from unittest.TestCase):

class TestOverride:

    def test_override(self):
        assert config.INTEGER == 123

    def test_another_override(self):
        assert config.INTEGER == 456

def test_not_affected():
    assert config.INTEGER == 1

NOTE. setup_class/setUp and teardown_class/tearDown methods will work with override.

konfetti includes a pytest integration that gives you a fixture, that allows you to override given config without using a context manager/decorator approach and automatically rollbacks changes made:

import pytest
from app_name.settings import config
from konfetti.pytest_plugin import make_fixture

# create a fixture. the default name is "settings",
# but could be specified via `name` option

def global_settings(settings):
    settings.INTEGER = 456

def test_something(settings):
    assert settings.INTEGER == 456
    assert config.INTEGER == 456

    # fixture overriding
    settings.INTEGER = 123
    assert settings.INTEGER == 123
    assert config.INTEGER == 123

    # context manager should work as well
    with settings.override(INTEGER=7):
        assert settings.INTEGER == 7
        assert config.INTEGER == 7

    # Context manager changes are rolled back
    assert settings.INTEGER == 123
    assert config.INTEGER == 123

# This test is not affected by the fixture
def test_disable(settings):
    assert config.INTEGER == 1
    assert settings.INTEGER == 1

NOTE. It is forbidden to create two fixtures from the same config instances.

Extending configuration

Sometimes configuration is distributed to multiple places - python modules, JSON files, etc. To handle everything seamlessly there is a couple of methods:

config = Konfig()
config.extend_with_object({"KEY": "value"})

Importable strings and JSON files will be loaded lazily on the first access.


The environment variable name could be customized via config_variable_name option:

config = Konfig(config_variable_name="APP_CONFIG")

Alternatively, it is possible to specify class-based settings:

from konfetti import env, vault

class ProductionSettings:

    DEBUG = env("DEBUG", default=False)
    DATABASE_URI = vault("path/to/db")

It possible to load the whole config and get its content as a dict:

In [1]: await config.asdict()
    "ENV": "env value",
    "KEY": "static value",
    "SECRET": "secret_value",

If you need to validate that certain variables are present in the config, there is require:

In [1]: config.require("SECRET")
MissingError: Options ['SECRET'] are required

Or to check that they are defined:

In [1]: "SECRET" in config

Django integration

To magically convert django.conf.settings into konfetti config object, add this to the very end of your project settings module.

config = install(

Having this will allow the application to use settings, defined via vault, env and other types from konfetti.

Flask extension

There is an extension for Flask that replaces Flask.config with Konfig instance and adds all konfetti features to your app.config.

from flask import Flask
from konfetti.contrib.flask import FlaskKonfig
from .settings import config

app = Flask(__name__)
FlaskKonfig(app, config, CUSTOM_OPTION=42)


# Taken from Vault
assert app.config.SECRET == "value"
# Manually specified
assert app.config.CUSTOM_OPTION == 42